A few minutes later the tears subsided, and she looked at Jon sheepishly. “You don’t want me. I’m a mess. It’s probably why I’m so good at my job. I’d rather take care of others than take care of me.”
“I like messes,” he said kissing her forehead. “Whatever is wrong, we can fix that together.”
“Why do you always know just what to say?” she said with a smile.
“Didn’t anyone tell you? I’m famous because I’m terrific with words. I put them into beautiful songs. Its who I am.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes at him. “Such the ego.”
“Stick around baby. You haven’t seen anything yet,” he joked, and then grew serious. “I’m sorry if it seemed like I was rushing you. And whatever it is that upset you, we’re going to have to talk about if we’re going to work.”
She sighed, “I know. I’m just not quite ready to talk about my past.”
“I get that,” he said giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Patience is my strong suit. I can wait.” He grinned.
“You are so full of shit,” she said with a smile. “I haven’t known you very long, but you’re one of the most stubborn, impatient people I’ve ever met.”
He laughed. “You get me so well. I can be patient when it involves waiting for the right thing.”
“So you think I’m the right thing?” she asked softly.
“Definitely worth waiting for,” he said. “Now come on, let’s get dressed and go to lunch before we blow off the guys.”
“Ok,” she said walking over to her room to grab a change of clothes.
“Hey baby?” he called after her.
“Yeah, Jon?” she called back.
“Maybe we should give up this whole separate rooms thing. I mean, how many times have we actually slept in a separate room since coming here?”
She laughed. “True.”
They walked up to lunch, and Jon put one arm around her protectively.
“What are you doing?” she whispered.
“You’re hot, and these guys are always flirts with you. I want them to know that you’re mine,” he whispered back.
“It’s ok Jon,” she whispered to him. “I think they already were planning on us getting together. You’re forgetting that I talk to them too you know. And flirt? That they do. But it’s just fun.”
“Ok, ok,” he said, “I forget that the guys love you and you love them.”
“I’ve quickly become like the little sister for them.”
He opened the door to the restaurant and they walked in, hand in hand. The guys were sitting at a table cracking jokes and being goofballs when they walked over. “Ahem,” Jon said. The guys looked up and noticed Jon and Steph.
“Hey you two,” Richie said looking at them and a grin spread across his face. “What’s going on?”
Jon gently squeezed Steph’s hand as they slid into the booth. “Oh, you know,” he said airily, “Same shit different day.”
Steph just grinned at the guys.
“You were in the middle of something when we came up this afternoon!” Richie said. “I knew it. You both look too happy not to have been doing what we thought you were doing.”
Steph and Jon both burst out laughing, and then grew serious, as Jon spoke. “It’s not like that guys. Not that what we do together is your business, but we are going to explore our feelings for each other, and nothing like that has happened yet.”
“I hope this doesn’t affect our working relationship you guys,” Steph said.
David spoke up first. “Hardly. This is a good thing. Maybe you’ll distract this guy from being such a jerk when he gets in his moods.”
“Moods?” Jon said with a grin. “What moods? I don’t have moods.”
“Not anymore, you don’t.” Richie said with a grin. “Since Steph came into your life, you’ve been a completely different man. Mellow, laidback, not a care in the world. I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re happy you guys are together or at least exploring things. However don’t screw this up Jon. I mean it, if you fuck this up and you go back to the way before, then I think all of us will be pissed.”
“It will be fine,” Steph said with a grin. “He’s very patient and understanding with me.”
Tico snorted. “Jon’s not patient. Only when there’s something good in it for him, which you are.”
They all laughed and Jon just grinned. The rest of lunch flew by and Jon decided to take Steph to the out for a proper first date. “I’ll pick you up at 7,” he whispered in her ear as they were all on the elevator. “Since we still have separate rooms, I plan on taking advantage of that tonight. So go get ready for our first official date.”
She grinned, “Ok.” She whispered, and they all got off the elevator and headed in separate directions.
She walked in her room and looked through her closet, not really knowing what to wear. She knocked on Jon’s connecting door. “No fair!” he called. “You have to get ready without me around tonight.” He opened the door anyway and pulled her in for a quick kiss. “What can I do for you?”
“I was just wondering what I should wear tonight,” she asked. “Are we going someplace where I need to be dressed up?”
“Dressy is good,” he said thoughtfully. “No go get ready. I have to make some plans for the evening since I’m dating my PA now and if I want to surprise her with the perfect evening in London, then I need to do all of the planning myself instead of having her make the reservations.” He grinned at her, and picked up his phone. “I’ll pick you up at 7.”
She walked back into her room, closing the door behind her and looking in her closet again. She found the perfect dress hanging in there and ironed it and jumped in the shower. She used her special citrus scented shampoo, conditioner and shower gel and got out and put on the dress and shoes. She blow dried her hair and pulled back part of it leaving the back falling in waves down her back. She pulled out two small strands and let them frame her face. She put on a little bit of makeup and looked at the clock. It was 655 and she was ready for whatever Jon had in store for her that evening. At 7 on the dot, a knock came at her regular door instead of the connecting door. Surprised, she went to the door and opened it to Jon standing there with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand for her with a grin on his face.
“For you my lady,” he said handing her the flowers. “And might I add, you look beautiful in that dress.”
“Thank you,” she said, taking the flowers and used the ice bucket in her room as a vase for them. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
Jon was wearing a crisp white button down with a black tie and a pair of black dress pants.
“Shall we?” Jon said, holding his arm out for her being the perfect gentleman. They walked downstairs and the driver drove them to a quiet little restaurant, where they were quickly escorted to the back to a private table. Jon ordered a bottle of wine for the two of them, and asked her if she wanted a menu, as he didn’t need one. He knew the menu well.
“How about if you order for me?”
“Ok,” he said, and ordered two dishes. One was steak and the other was chicken. “Both of these are fabulous here, and since we had a late lunch, they’re small enough portions that you won’t feel overly stuffed afterwards.”
They talked all through dinner, and it was amazing since they already knew each other, they didn’t have to go through any of the awkward first date stuff. The waiter brought the check after they had dessert and coffee, and Jon paid it. A few moments later some soft music began to play, and Jon stood up, and held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”
She smiled at him, “Of course.”
He held her close and they danced for a few songs. She rested her head on his shoulder smiling happily.
“I had a wonderful time tonight,” he said to her.
“I’m not ready for tonight to end,” she said happily. “This has been an absolutely amazing day.”
“It’s not over yet,” he promised, “But the dinner and dancing portion of the evening is over.”
“Where are we going next?”
“It’s a surprise,” he said smiling, as they walked outside to where the car was waiting for them. It was a beautiful starry night, and they got into the car and the driver drove to the park they had lunch at their first day in London.
“What are we doing here?” she asked, confused.
“You’ll see,” he said as the driver handed him a blanket and a small basket, he thanked him and took her hand and they walked to the middle of the park where there was a big projector screen set up, and a small crowd already seated on blankets. She smiled and looked at him. “They show old movies here on Wednesday nights. So I thought we’d end the evening with a movie under the stars. Luckily the weather is perfect.”
She smiled. “This is perfect.”
“Do you want to sit up close or in the back?”
“The back is fine,” she said, “Hopefully it will be more private and no one will recognize you.”
“Good point,” he said, finding them a spot and laying out the blanket. They settled in and the movie began. It was Casablanca which was a favorite of hers. She leaned back and snuggled against Jon, who opened the basket and offered her candy. “What movie wouldn’t be complete without snacks?” he whispered.
“Perfect,” she said reaching in for some M & Ms. They snuggled and kissed during the movie and when it was over she looked at him. “Thank you. It really was the best first date I’ve ever been on. I get to plan the second one though.”
He laughed. “Ok, but I don’t know how much more romantic you can get than this.” He took her hand and suggested they walk back to the hotel and upstairs to their rooms. Jon stopped at her door. “Well, beautiful, this is good night.” He smiled and bent down for a kiss. She pulled back a moment later, and opened her door.
“Would you like to come in for a night cap?” she asked smiling.
“I’d love to,” he said grinning, “But just so we’re clear, there’s no pressure for anything tonight.”
She grinned. “I know. I just thought since we were eventually just going to stay in one room, we may as well sleep in the same bed tonight, and since you walked me to my door and all, I figured we’d sleep in mine tonight.”
He grinned. “If it means I get to hold you all night, I’ll spend the night with you. I’ll just run to my room and change quick.”
“Ok,” she said opening the door and letting herself in. “But hurry back. It’ll be lonely in here without you.”
She walked in and pulled out a pair of silk purple boxer shorts and a matching tank top. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and took her hair down. She walked over to the connecting door to Jon’s room and opened it and crawled into bed. While she was waiting she thought of the afternoon and him touching her the way he did before lunch. She was okay with it, and really wanted to be with him, but memories of her past hit her like a ton of bricks and she froze. He was the sweetest, sexiest man she had ever met and she felt extremely safe with him, and yet she couldn’t overcome her past to be with him. She wished she could. Maybe he was right, and she needed to tell him what had happened to her so that he could help her get through it.
“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Jon came back in the room and looked at her.
“Tonight was perfect,” she said. “Come over here and hold me please.”
“My pleasure,” he said crossing the room quickly and climbing into bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her tight. “How’s that?” he asked softly.
“Just right,” she said turning to look at him. “I was thinking, maybe I should tell you what happened to me. It may help me to move past things. Because I really want you, but I don’t want another flashback of memories to come rushing back and cause me to freeze up again. That wouldn’t be fair to either one of us.”
“Baby,” he said, “You don’t have to. Tonight wasn’t about that. It was about us both having a proper first date. Honest, I’m okay with just this.”
“Well, we don’t have to do anything tonight, but I thought maybe if I told you what happened, we can start getting me comfortable to the point where we will be able to do this.”
“That I like,” he said gently. “It must have been pretty awful for you to deal with, and I have a good listening ear.”
“My ex?” she said. “The one that I had a shitty past with?”
He nodded silently.
“He beat me. And raped me. It only happened once and it was a few years ago and I left him right after that, and got help and thought I was fine. I went out on a few dates here and there, but nothing ever serious and no sex. And then you came along and I kept denying that I was starting to care about you, and then the flashbacks started coming of that night along with nightmares that I fought so hard to make go away.”
Jon felt a tear roll down his face. He knew something awful had to have happened to her, and wanted to make her feel safe again. He wrapped his arms around her tighter. “Baby, I will never ever hurt you. I promise. I wish I knew this guy. I’d like to kick his ass for doing this to you.”
“You don’t have to,” she whispered. “After I left him, he killed himself. I guess he couldn’t live with what he had done to me.”
“I hope that’s the reason. He’s still a scumbag for doing that to you. I’m glad you decided to tell me this. It means a lot that you trusted me that much. And we’ll work through this. You’ll feel safe again. I promise.”
“I already feel safer with you than I’ve felt with a man in a long time. I guess it’s not enough yet.”
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, “It will be.” They lay side by side facing each other while he held her. Finally he broke the silence. “Can I try something? I promise, if it’s too much, I’ll stop. Trust me.”
Not sure what he wanted to try, she nodded.
He gently ran one of his hands down her stomach and to the soft thin material that was just barely covering up her skin.
“Look at me,” he said gently, “Keep your eyes firmly locked on mine. I’m just going to take care of you right now, and we’ll see how you do with that.”
She nodded. “I trust you.” She said softly.
He gently began to rub her through the silky fabric of her shorts, all the while keeping his eyes locked on hers.
“Ok,” he said softly.
“Yes,” she said, feeling herself become turned on as he rubbed her. He continued to rub her spot through the fabric of her shorts and felt her becoming wetter and wetter. It turned him on immensely but he wasn’t going to go there yet. He kept gazing into her eyes, and he could see the effect he was having on her.
“Do you want more?” he asked gently still rubbing her clit through her shorts. “I promise no sex just yet, I just want to feel you.”
Unable to speak, she nodded. It was all he needed, he gently peeled off the shorts and panties. His eyes still stayed fixed on hers. If anything he knew that this would help his erection a little because he wasn’t moving his eyes to look at her wet vagina. He gently slid two fingers inside of her.
“Good?” he asked, moving his fingers around a little, as she let out a tiny moan, he chuckled softly. “I guess so. I can tell it’s been a while for you. This will probably go very quickly.” He moved his fingers in and out of her, and the feeling of it felt too good for her, she started to close her eyes.
“Hey,” he said commanded softly, “I know this feels good, but keep your eyes on mine and open. I don’t want this to end with a flashback and you not enjoying it.”
She opened her eyes and continued to gaze into his, pretty soon she was moaning loudly, and she exploded into his hands.
“Good girl,” he said gently and taking her into a sweet kiss. He pulled back and lay down with her head snuggled up on his chest.
“That was amazing,” she said. “But what about you?”
“No worries,” he said. “This was about you, and making sure you were ok. We will slowly get there.”
He was right and she knew it. “Okay,” she said softly, and then yawned.
He chuckled. “I tired you out anyway. Sleep my angel.” Sure enough within about ten minutes she was sound asleep in his arms.
“I love you,” he whispered softly once he was sure she was asleep. And he did. He just wasn’t quite ready to admit that to her yet.
The next couple of weeks passed, and they grew closer. They still hadn’t had sex, but things were definitely getting closer. They had just reached Madrid and there were a little more than two weeks left of the tour. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and they were spending an incredible day together before headed to the venue for the show.
“Steph,” Jon said, “I want to tell you something and I hope it doesn’t freak you out too much. “
“Ok,” she said just as his phone rang.
He looked at the caller id. Dot. Figures. He thought. “Hello Dot? I’m in the middle of something. What can I do for you? The papers should have arrived yesterday. Steph called you to confirm you received them.”
“Yes Jon,” Dot confirmed on the other end. “I signed yesterday. We are officially divorced. But I just wanted to let you know something.” She sounded nervous.
“What’s up Dot?” he asked.
“Your parents wanted to see Romeo and Jake before school starts and I thought that was a great idea.”
“That’s fine. We’ll be home in about 2 weeks so I can take them.”
“Well I thought it would be good for them to have some good quality time with grandma and grandpa and they’re really excited about it.”
Jon wasn’t born yesterday, “So you want to take a vacation with your new friend.”
“Something like that,” she admitted sheepishly. “He actually had something planned for us, and knows you’re on tour and I told him I had to see because it may have to wait until you get back, but then your parents mentioned wanting to spend some time with them and I thought it would be a great idea.”
“Ok, it would probably do the boys good to spend some time with Mom and Dad for a couple of weeks.”
“Really?” she asked, incredulous. She was expecting more of a fight from him.
“Yeah, I mean, I would like to spend some time with the boys myself when I get home. As you know we’re off for a few weeks before I want to start on work stuff again.”
“That’s fine,” she said quickly. “How long would you like to see them for?”
“I was thinking a week or two.”
“Ok,” she said. “Not a problem.”
“Have a good time on your vacation. Will I get to meet your mystery man anytime soon?”
“Um,” she said nervously, “Probably when you get back.”
“Dot if he makes you happy, then I’m sure I will like him.”
“How about you?” she asked, knowing fully well what the answer would be.
“Yes,” he said with a grin at Steph, who was sending a text to someone on her phone. He assumed it had something to do with the show tonight.
“She’s right there next to you isn’t she?” Dot said laughing. “I’m glad you found someone who makes you happy.”
“I did,” he said honestly. “Now go plan your trip. Have a great vacation.”
“Bye Jon,” she said. “Thank you.”
After he hung up the phone he looked at Steph. “Sorry the moment was kind of ruined.”
“It’s ok,” she said looking up from her phone. “So, Dot is taking a vacation?”
“Yeah, she’s leaving in a couple of days with her new mystery man”
Steph’s eyes widened. That means Dot is coming here. I wonder if all hell will hit the fan when Jon finds out. Maybe I should talk to Richie, and tell him I know. He has to tell Jon the truth. “But the tour isn’t over for a couple of weeks.”
“Romeo and Jake will stay with my parents. I’m glad for her. I hope she has someone who makes her as happy as you make me.”
She smiled, and looked at her phone. She had overheard Jon’s side of the conversation, and he had just confirmed things so she sent Richie a text letting him know that they needed to talk and soon.
When he wrote back and told her to come to his room, she wrote back, ok, and looked at Jon.
“I have to take care of something before tonight,” she said. “I know you wanted to get a workout in, so why don’t you take care of that?”
“I thought everything was all set for tonight? I wanted to spend some time alone this afternoon,” he said with a pout.
“I know,” she said, “But it’s something last minute that came up at the venue. I promise I’ll see you there.” She walked up to him and gave him a long kiss. She pulled back and was about to walk out the door.
“Steph, wait!” he said. “I know I was about to tell you something before we were interrupted, and I wanted to say it before you left.”
She smiled at him. “Yes.”
“I love you.”
She broke into a bigger smile and walked back over and kissed him again. “I love you too.”
“Stay with me,” he asked, kissing her again. “Can’t the thing at the venue work itself out?”
“Unfortunately not,” she said. “We’ll have the whole night tonight after the show. I love you.” She said again as she was walking out the door.
“I love you too!” he called after her. She practically floated to the elevator, thanking her lucky stars Richie was actually on a different floor from them in their hotel, so Jon wouldn’t see her going to his room. She hurriedly got off the elevator and knocked on the door.
“What’s going on?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. “What did he do?”
“Nothing,” she said airily, “Besides telling me he loved me for the first time. Dot’s taking a vacation before you guys get back with her new guy. Did you know that?”
Richie’s eyes widened, and she came back to earth getting kind of pissed. “Why would I know that?”
“Oh gee Rich,” she said sarcastically, “Because you talk with her.”
He paled. “How do you know that?”
“The first night I was at Jon’s apartment I took a wrong turn and overheard her talking with you on the phone. It’s not my place to tell Jon, but it should be yours. You’re his best friend. And now I assume she’s coming here. How in the fuck is that going to work?”
Richie sighed. “Look, this is complicated.”
“Complicated? Then uncomplicated things. Tell Jon the truth,” she said angrily.
“The plan is to tell him the truth. After the tour.”
“After? But she’s coming here. To Europe. While we’re all here. To be with you. Again, I ask you. How the fuck is that going to work?”
“She’s not going to any concerts. She’s seen enough of those. And you two have been so busy in your own little world for the past few weeks, I don’t think he’ll notice if I’m not around during the free time. I’ve purposely made sure to be on a separate floor, and Dot will be flying commercial while she’s here. You’ve kept quiet this long. Can I please count on you to keep quiet for a few more weeks?”
She sighed. “What if he wants to go over a set list or something?”
“Then you’ll text me and I’ll come to his room.”
“Something will go wrong. Weren’t you the one who told me that secrets in the Jovi family always have a way of biting you guys in the ass?”
“This one probably will,” he admitted, “But I’m hoping he’s ok with this because he has you. And I swear, he will never ever find out that you knew about this. That will be a secret that we both take to the grave. Dot will too.”
“I don’t know…” she trailed off. “This could get really ugly. Maybe if you just talked to him before Dot got here.”
“No,” Richie said simply. “I can’t jeopardize the end of the tour. I already jeopardized enough of the tour with being in rehab and I’m not going to jeopardize it further.”
She shook her head. “Bringing her here is a mistake.”
“I know,” he said, “But I miss her so damn much, and it’s hard being out here alone when everyone around me is so happy and in love. I know it’s only two more weeks, but really, it’ll probably be even longer before I would see her, because I have to fly to LA to see Ava.”
She softened. “Ok. I’ll keep quiet. And if this comes out while she’s here, then I will do my best to calm him down. I don’t think he’s going to be too upset that you guys are together. I think he will feel like you betrayed him by not telling him about it for so long.”
Richie engulfed her in a big bear hug. “Thank you! You’re the best little sister a guy could ask for.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” she said wryly. “I’ll have you know that I’m a terrible liar.”
“It’s ok,” he said. “This will work.”
“When is she getting here?”
“In two days.” He said. “When we get to Italy.”
“Ok,” she said. “I have errands to run when we first get there, and you guys have an interview. Do you want me to pick her up at the airport? I was planning on renting a car that day.”
“That would actually be quite perfect. And then she’ll be waiting for me in my room when we get back from the show, and Jon won’t see me leaving a room key at the desk for her.” Then a realization hit him. “Hey when you got here, you told me something. He told you he loved you?” He grinned.
She couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yes he did. I told him I loved him too. And I decided to make Italy the night.”
“Ooh, so are you shopping for special things?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“Maybe Dot can help you. I’d like you two to be friends.”
“I’m sure we will be once everything blows over with Jon,” she said, “But for now, I want to not be a part of this as much as possible. The fact that I know about you two is bad enough.”
He gave her an apologetic look. “I’m really sorry you knew about all of this at all. I hate putting you in this position.”
“Yeah, well I’m not happy about lying to him. He’s the man I love and he’s my boss. If he finds out, he’s going to be furious with me.”
“I know,” he said. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He won’t find out. This will be a family secret that just stays between the three of us. Jon and I have a couple of those between the two of us.”
“You do?” she said raising her eyebrows. “And I don’t know these secrets?”
“Yup,” he said. “They’re past secrets from the early eighties. They’re really not that bad, but we swore we’d never tell.”
Just then a knock came on the door. “Hey Sambora!” a voice called. “Can we go over the set list? I want to add a couple of things.”
“Shit,” she hissed. “Jon thinks I went to take care of something at the venue.”
“It’s ok Steph,” he said. “I’ll handle this. I just got of the shower Kidd! I’ll meet you upstairs in fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, but hurry up, I want to do something extra special tonight for the girl I love.”
“Aww,” she mouthed at him.
“Ok!” Richie called through the door. Richie peered through the peephole on the door and watched Jon walk away down the hall. He had an end room so he had a perfect view of the elevator. “He’s gone.”
She clenched her jaw again. “I hate lying to him. Really hate lying to him.”
“I’m sorry,” Richie said.
“Hey Rich,” she said. “Don’t screw this up. If you fuck this up, and hurt him, it’ll cost everyone a lot.”
“I know,” he said. “I’m hoping this doesn’t hurt him, but to be honest I know his reaction won’t be pretty.”
“I know,” she said.
“And you’re going to have to be there for him when he finds out. He’s going to need you as much as you’ve needed him over the past few weeks.”
“I know,” she said. “I’m going to go. I’ll see you guys at the venue. I might as well go down there and check on everything to make sure it’s all set up correctly for you guys. The car will be by to pick you guys up in an hour. I’ll send him a text and let him know.”
“Ok,” he said. “Thanks little sis!” He really did love her like a sister.
“I’d say anytime, but I sure as hell hope you don’t put me in this position again big brother.”
He laughed. “Don’t worry. I won’t.”
With that she left, and Richie headed upstairs to Jon’s room.
Once she arrived to the venue she made sure everything was all set with the tour manager, and sent Jon a text letting him know everything was fine.
“Crisis averted?” he wrote back.
“For now,” she wrote. “Everything should be perfect tonight. I love you.”
He sent back a smiley face. “I love you too. Richie and I are just going over the set list and we’ll be on our way. By the way, you are off tonight. I want you to sit back and enjoy the show. I’ve already arranged it.”
Thinking of the something special he had said earlier, she sent a smiley face back to him. “Ok.” She replied.
“I’ll see you in a little bit baby. Why don’t you go get a bite to eat for yourself? I’m sure everything is all set there, and your front row ticket should be at the box office for you to pick up.”
“Will I see you before the show?” she asked.
“Come back right after the opening act and give me a good luck kiss,” he wrote back. “I want you to sit back and be a fan tonight, and be on your feet the whole show.”
“Ok,” she wrote back. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” he wrote back.
“Doubtful,” she replied with a smile on her face as she wrote. She went from the back stage area to the box office area, and the attendant gave her the ticket Jon had arranged for her. It felt weird to be holding a ticket for a seat when she had an all access pass around her neck. She decided to go out and grab a bite to eat and follow Jon’s suggestion. She let the tour manager know that she had the night off and would be enjoying the show as a fan tonight, and left to take a walk. Before she did, she slipped her all access pass inside of her purse. Madrid was a beautiful city, and it was a beautiful summer day. She wandered around and found a quaint little outdoor café where she ordered dinner for herself. She knew it was probably along the same route that the guys would take going to the venue. Sure enough just after she ordered, she heard a whistle and looked up to see the guys had stopped on the side of the road. Jon was looking out the window and he grinned at her.
“Hey beautiful! What’s a girl like you sitting all alone for?”
She grinned back at him. “I’m meeting my boyfriend later for a concert. I’m just waiting on dinner first. He had to work today so couldn’t join me.”
Luckily the area was quiet, because Jon leapt out of the car and ran over to her, and planted a firm, hard kiss on her lips. “Screw the boyfriend. Come with us instead.”
She laughed, and shook her head, playing along. “Nope. He promised me the night off, and I really want to see this concert tonight. Maybe you’ve heard of the band? Bon Jovi?”
“Come with me and I’ll take you backstage,” he teased.
She pretended to think about it. “Only if I get to have my way with Jon.”
He kissed her and lowered his sunglasses at her, still playing. “You can have your way with me any time you want. “
She batted her eyelashes, “Oh my gosh. You’re him. I love you!” she said in a silly girly voice.
“Does that mean the boyfriend is forgotten?” he teased, still playing with her.
She smiled at him playfully, “Never. I love him too much.” She said seriously.
He kissed her again. “He’s a very lucky guy.”
“No,” she said. “I’m lucky.”
“I love you,” he said, dropping the game.
“I love you too,” she said, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a waiter on his way over with a plate of food. “Now, go to work before you’re late for sound check.”
He kissed her again. “See you later baby,” he winked at her as he jogged back to the car. She shook her head laughing. He was such a clown.
As he got in, she heard the guys hooting and hollering as they drove away, and she shook her head. Boys will definitely be boys. She thought. She couldn’t wait to see what kind of surprise he had in store for her tonight.
I can't wait to see what the surprise is either!
ReplyDeleteBut, I really think the shit is going to hit the fan when Dot arrives...you have set this up really well. Great chapter :)
yep, this is not going to be pretty when Jon finds out that Steph knew all along.
DeleteSuch a good chapter...
Do you really have to go back to school?
Looking forward to the fireworks and there will be fireworks!! boy when Jon finds out that it's Dorothea!?!?
ReplyDeleteJust a little note; in the first chapter it seemed that Jon and Dorothea only had two daughters and they were waiting until the youngest turned 18 but in this chapter, you mention Romeo and Jake?